Defensive Pistol lvl 2
Course is designed for the shooter/concealed carry owner that knows how to safely handle their firearm. This course has a heavy emphasis and focus on pushing the shooters skills under the stress of time. This course will develop further the use of cover and concealment as well as the ability for the shooter to change stances. With an introduction to partner work and teammate tactics. With an introduction to vehicle use for cover as well as night time shooting.
Course is designed for the shooter/concealed carry owner that knows how to safely handle their firearm. This course has a heavy emphasis and focus on pushing the shooters skills under the stress of time. This course will develop further the use of cover and concealment as well as the ability for the shooter to change stances. With an introduction to partner work and teammate tactics. With an introduction to vehicle use for cover as well as night time shooting.
Course is designed for the shooter/concealed carry owner that knows how to safely handle their firearm. This course has a heavy emphasis and focus on pushing the shooters skills under the stress of time. This course will develop further the use of cover and concealment as well as the ability for the shooter to change stances. With an introduction to partner work and teammate tactics. With an introduction to vehicle use for cover as well as night time shooting.