Intro to Defensive Pistol
Baseline course for the new shooter/ Concealed carry owner. This course goes over proper shooting stance, proper grip and sight alignment, proper draw from outside and inside the waistband holsters. Introduction to malfunctions as well as defensive pistol theory and mindset training.
Course is designed to be a skills building course for further development and skills necessary for Defensive Levels 1, 2, 3, & 4 and many more.
Baseline course for the new shooter/ Concealed carry owner. This course goes over proper shooting stance, proper grip and sight alignment, proper draw from outside and inside the waistband holsters. Introduction to malfunctions as well as defensive pistol theory and mindset training.
Course is designed to be a skills building course for further development and skills necessary for Defensive Levels 1, 2, 3, & 4 and many more.
Baseline course for the new shooter/ Concealed carry owner. This course goes over proper shooting stance, proper grip and sight alignment, proper draw from outside and inside the waistband holsters. Introduction to malfunctions as well as defensive pistol theory and mindset training.
Course is designed to be a skills building course for further development and skills necessary for Defensive Levels 1, 2, 3, & 4 and many more.